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South Florida DUI and Criminal Offense Blog: Information from DUI, Criminal & Federal Defense Attorneys serving Palm Beach and Broward Counties 


Welcome to Rossen Law Firm’s Blog. RLF is home to four award-winning criminal defense attorneys. We defend clients in South Florida facing allegations related to: DUI, criminal, federal, white collar, domestic violence and more.


Our blog provides relevant, up-to-date news and information from across Florida that could affect your legal rights and your legal case.


Keep up with our regular posts to find out more about Florida laws and how they affect you and your community, DUI and criminal charges, federal charges, possible criminal consequences, tips and education on your rights in Florida when you have an encounter with the law or police, and much more.

Celebrating Our Third Year on the Inc. 5000 List!

We’re thrilled to share fantastic news with our Rossen Law Firm family and friends! For the third consecutive year, we’ve made it onto the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. Even more exciting? We’ve jumped to an impressive 1,445th spot this year, a big leap from last year’s 2,544th ranking! This […]

We’re thrilled to share fantastic news with our Rossen Law Firm family and friends! For the third consecutive year, we’ve made it onto the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in America. Even more exciting? We’ve jumped to an impressive 1,445th spot this year, a big leap from last year’s 2,544th ranking! This […]

Date: 31/08/24

Category: Uncategorized
Stand with Stark, a Campaign Reception Hosted by Rossen Law Firm

Rossen Law Firm recently hosted “Stand with Stark,” a heartfelt gathering to support Samuel “Sam” Stark’s campaign for Broward County Judge. The evening, held on June 26, 2024, at our Fort Lauderdale office, was filled with delicious desserts, engaging conversations, and meaningful discussions about justice and community. Sam Stark, a passionate advocate for fairness and […]

Rossen Law Firm recently hosted “Stand with Stark,” a heartfelt gathering to support Samuel “Sam” Stark’s campaign for Broward County Judge. The evening, held on June 26, 2024, at our Fort Lauderdale office, was filled with delicious desserts, engaging conversations, and meaningful discussions about justice and community. Sam Stark, a passionate advocate for fairness and […]

Date: 30/07/24

Category: Uncategorized
An Evening with Craig Williams

At Rossen Law Firm, we recently hosted a special fundraising event called “An Evening with Craig Williams.” We want to share the highlights of this unforgettable night with you. Held on May 23, 2024, at our office and the downstairs Greenhouse building pavilion in Boca Raton, this exclusive gathering brought together more than 75 attendees. […]

At Rossen Law Firm, we recently hosted a special fundraising event called “An Evening with Craig Williams.” We want to share the highlights of this unforgettable night with you. Held on May 23, 2024, at our office and the downstairs Greenhouse building pavilion in Boca Raton, this exclusive gathering brought together more than 75 attendees. […]

Date: 28/06/24

Category: Uncategorized
What Happens if I Miss a Court Date in Florida?

Bench Warrant: The judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. This authorizes law enforcement to arrest you at any time, even for minor traffic violations.
Failure to Appear Charge: You may be charged with a new crime for failing to appear in court. This is typically a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine [Florida Statute § 843.15].
Default Judgment (Civil Cases):  In civil cases (lawsuits between individuals or businesses), missing a court date could lead to a default judgment being entered against you. This means the other party automatically wins the case.

Bench Warrant: The judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest. This authorizes law enforcement to arrest you at any time, even for minor traffic violations.
Failure to Appear Charge: You may be charged with a new crime for failing to appear in court. This is typically a first-degree misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine [Florida Statute § 843.15].
Default Judgment (Civil Cases):  In civil cases (lawsuits between individuals or businesses), missing a court date could lead to a default judgment being entered against you. This means the other party automatically wins the case.

Date: 20/06/24

Category: Uncategorized
Can I Get a DUI on a Golf Cart in Florida?

DUI Statutes Apply to Motor Vehicles: Florida Statutes define a motor vehicle broadly, encompassing any self-propelled device designed for carrying passengers or freight [Florida Statute § 316.001(14)]. This definition includes golf carts.

DUI Statutes Apply to Motor Vehicles: Florida Statutes define a motor vehicle broadly, encompassing any self-propelled device designed for carrying passengers or freight [Florida Statute § 316.001(14)]. This definition includes golf carts.

Date: 20/06/24

Category: Uncategorized
Snapchat and Your Child: When Sharing Becomes Over-Sharing

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teenagers, valued for its fleeting messages and creative, engaging filters. While it offers a fun and dynamic way for young people to connect, it also presents unique challenges and risks. As parents, it’s crucial to understand these risks, particularly when it comes to […]

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teenagers, valued for its fleeting messages and creative, engaging filters. While it offers a fun and dynamic way for young people to connect, it also presents unique challenges and risks. As parents, it’s crucial to understand these risks, particularly when it comes to […]

Date: 17/05/24

Category: Uncategorized
Can Police Search Bags During Traffic Stops in Florida?

In Florida, police generally cannot search your bags during a traffic stop without your consent, a warrant, or unless one of the following exceptions applies: Probable Cause: If the officer has probable cause to believe your bag contains evidence of a crime or contraband (illegal items), they can search the bag without a warrant. Probable […]

In Florida, police generally cannot search your bags during a traffic stop without your consent, a warrant, or unless one of the following exceptions applies: Probable Cause: If the officer has probable cause to believe your bag contains evidence of a crime or contraband (illegal items), they can search the bag without a warrant. Probable […]

Date: 15/05/24

Category: Uncategorized
Sexting and the Law: What Parents and Teens Need to Know

The rapid proliferation of smartphones and social media has significantly altered the way teenagers communicate. Among these new modes of communication, sexting—sending sexually explicit messages, images, or videos via electronic devices—has become a notable concern for parents and guardians. While sexting can sometimes be viewed as a private or consensual act among adults, it poses […]

The rapid proliferation of smartphones and social media has significantly altered the way teenagers communicate. Among these new modes of communication, sexting—sending sexually explicit messages, images, or videos via electronic devices—has become a notable concern for parents and guardians. While sexting can sometimes be viewed as a private or consensual act among adults, it poses […]

Date: 12/05/24

Category: Uncategorized
Legal Consequences of Misusing AirTags: Stalking and Privacy Violations

In recent years, the advent of compact tracking devices like Apple AirTags has revolutionized the way we locate lost items, from keys to vehicles. However, these devices have also opened new avenues for misuse, particularly in the realm of personal surveillance. In Florida, this has led to significant legal scrutiny and the recent tightening of […]

In recent years, the advent of compact tracking devices like Apple AirTags has revolutionized the way we locate lost items, from keys to vehicles. However, these devices have also opened new avenues for misuse, particularly in the realm of personal surveillance. In Florida, this has led to significant legal scrutiny and the recent tightening of […]

Date: 10/05/24

Category: Uncategorized
Types of Injunctions: Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever heard the terms “restraining order” or “protective order”? These phrases are often used interchangeably with “injunction,” but there can be slight differences depending on your location.  This blog post will provide a clear explanation of injunctions, the different types you might encounter, and what to do if you’ve been served with one. […]

Have you ever heard the terms “restraining order” or “protective order”? These phrases are often used interchangeably with “injunction,” but there can be slight differences depending on your location.  This blog post will provide a clear explanation of injunctions, the different types you might encounter, and what to do if you’ve been served with one. […]

Date: 05/05/24

Category: Uncategorized
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  • Drug Crimes
    Property Crimes
    Weapons Crimes
    Drunkenness, Loitering, and Prowling
    Obstruction of Justice
    Personal Liberty Crimes
    And much more
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